Resistbot Petition: POOR GOP JUDGEMENT

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. While your party tries hard to disavow your part in our recent alarming history, just a reminder we still see you. And are not persuaded. "On Monday, [Trump lawyer Sidney] Powell argued that “no reasonable person would conclude” that her statements about a scheme to rig the election “were truly statements of fact.” Eric Wilson, a Republican political technologist, explained away the Big Lie to NBC News’s Smith: “[T]here are a lot of dumb people in the world…. And a lot of them stormed the Capitol on January 6th.” And yet, 147 Republicans—8 senators and 139 representatives—signed onto the Big Lie, voting to sustain objections to the counting of the electoral votes on January 6. So the Republicans are left with increasing evidence that there was a concerted plan to attack the Capitol on January 6, fed by the former president, whose political campaign pocketed serious cash from his declarations that he had truly won the election and that all patriots would turn out to defend his reelection. Those claims were pressed by a lawyer who now claims that no reasonable person would believe she was telling the truth." Quite a pickle you find yourselves in.

▶ Created on March 25, 2021 by Debbie

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