Resistbot Petition: Protect Minnesotans From Wage Theft Since the Federal Government won’t (Minn. only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Minn. only)

Protect Minnesotans From Wage Theft Since the Federal Government won’t

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Minnesota is a leader in democracy and fair treatment in many areas. I would like Minnesota to move to protect its populace where the Federal government cannot, due to the whittling away of money and fulfillment of duties in service to powerful interests. I was reading today about some things that the state of New Jersey is doing and that New York has introduced legislation to achieve. Curbing wage theft. Found in a report by Popular Information, here is the quoted actions to date: New York lawmakers are now advancing proposals to hold more employers accountable.... The first bill, S8451, would give the State Liquor Authority the power to suspend the liquor licenses of businesses that have racked up wage theft violations exceeding $1,000. The second bill, S8453, would empower the State Tax Department to suspend a business’s “certificate of authority” if it owes more than $1,000 in wage theft violations. The third bill, S8452, would authorize the New York Department of Labor to issue stop-work orders on businesses that owe more than $1,000 in back wages. This approach is already paying dividends in neighboring New Jersey, which issued "stop-work orders that shu ttered the doors of 27 Boston Markets" last year until the company paid "more than $630,000 in back wages" to more than 314 workers. Link to article source: Please help move Minnesota in this direction

▶ Created on March 24 by Jake

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