Resistbot Petition: ENOUGH

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. The Republican assault on democracy has got to stop. The sabotaging of an incoming administration has got to stop. Enabling a lame duck president to wreak whatever havoc enters his mind has got to stop. Joe Biden won the election, it wasn’t close. It wasn’t fraudulent. It wasn’t a conspiracy orchestrated by the democrats. It was a free, fair, highly competent election managed exceedingly well by consummate professionals in the middle of a pandemic. A pandemic killing us daily by the thousands. A pandemic ignored and ridiculed by the very people elected to protect us and the country. Mr. Trump is destroying us for his own priorities. Be it financial by fundraising off of delusion. Be it revenge. Be it the sickness of a mind that cannot accept a loss he so rightly deserved. He does not love the country. He couldn’t care less about the people. He does not deserve your support. And at this point, we do not deserve you and all the other ‘leaders’ seemingly hellbent on further dividing, degrading, and demolishing democracy’s norms. What is the end game here? To have Mr. Trump break the system to give himself four more years? Four more years of what? For what? For the pure consolidation of power? Again, to what end? This is not going to end well for whatever is left of the Republican Party. You have destroyed your moral authority and credibility. The party emerging is not one any coherent intellect would wish to be part of. Can you tell me, do you even know, what does the party of Trump want? Besides Trump? You have got to step up. Voice the moral indignation you once had for any assault on our democracy. Your party is aiding, abetting, and encouraging the destruction of the pillars of our functioning democracy. You need to step up. Enough is enough.

▶ Created on December 6, 2020 by Debbie

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