Resistbot Petition: GREAT STATE OF TEXAS?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. CNBC released its rankings of the best and worst states to live in the US last week. Its rankings come from their yearly research on the best states for business. One of the 10 criteria for the list is Life, Health & Inclusion, from which CNBC determines the best and worst states to live. They use categories such as per capita crime rates, environmental quality, health care and worker protections. They also examine anti-discrimination laws, voting rights and access to childcare. A large percentage of women consider reproductive rights in deciding where they are willing to live and work, so CNBC includes abortion laws in this category. While we land at number six on CNBC's yearly America's Top States for Business study, we score significantly low in one category: Life, Health & Inclusion. Factors include: Crime rates, Environmental quality, Health care, Quality and availability of childcare, Inclusivity in state laws such as reproductive rights, protections against discrimination and voting rights Texas received 53 out of 350 points for its 2023 Life, Health & Inclusion score, giving it an F in its Top States grade and the lowest nationwide, securing a #1 spot on the list. Top 10 worst states to live and work for 2023 were: Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, South Carolina and Alabama (tie), Missouri, Indiana, Tennessee, Arkansas, Florida Top 10 best states to live and work: Vermont, Maine, New Jersey, Minnesota, Hawaii, Oregon! Washington, Massachusetts and  Colorado (tie), Connecticut Red governance versus blue doesn’t seem to reflect the doom and gloom y’all are always going on about does it? I think we need to take down our ‘Welcome to Texas’ signs.

▶ Created on July 22, 2023 by Debbie

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