Resistbot Petition: DO BETTER

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. This. This is what we are sick and tired of… After a meeting with Pres. Biden and other congressional leaders, Speaker Johnson decided to go on Fox to plead his lack of leadership. There, he told Sean Hannity that the leaders told him he was “on an island by myself, and it was me versus everyone else in the room.” He went on: “What the liberal media doesn’t understand, Sean, is that if you’re here in Washington and you’re described as a leader that’s on an island by themselves, it probably means you’re standing with the American people.”  He is not standing with the American people. And this pious proclamation is false on every metric you can point to. An AP-NORC poll released yesterday shows that it is not Johnson but the others at that meeting who are standing with the American people: 74% of Americans, including 62% of Republicans, support U.S. aid to Ukraine’s military. This has been the public opinion writ large all the past months as he has dithered and stalled at the behest of ONE citizen who is of the minority opinion, DJT. Stop using us as an excuse for leadership malfeasance. Same with the border. We all see, we all know, that the GOP has killed what could have improved the border situation. When you have a sitting President even pleading with the guy who ordered the kill to join forces with him to help solve the problem, what’s your answer to that? How can you keep blaming the administration for things that your party and your GOP candidate for Prez are doing to exacerbate the problem while denying any solution to occur? This is what we’re sick of. Playing politics is one thing. Playing with world stability and the lives of people who are looking for a better life from the promise of America is low, even for politics. But at least we can look forward to DJT having a Mar-a-Lago shindig for one of his growing dictator posse Victor Orban. I expect he’ll be looking for tips on killing democracy. Or maybe a loan. Do better.

▶ Created on March 1 by Debbie

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