Resistbot Petition: COWARDLY REACTIONS

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Nothing to see here. Just my two senators who whistled past the graveyard when asked about the recently-decided case (Kate Cox) that forced one of their constituents to flee her home state to receive the healthcare Texas refused to give her. Senator Cornyn tossed the hot potato, disavowing any responsibility, much less concern, about the situation saying essentially ‘Who me? Not my job. Didn’t have anything to do with it.’ Really? Are you no longer a Republican? If the Republican Party in your state isn’t responsible for this, who might be? And Senator Cruz just took the bob-and-weave approach, ‘Call my office.’ Ha. Good one. And particularly hypocritical since there doesn’t seem to be any other subject on the planet he has difficulty opining about. This subject, among most others, is top of mind in America right now. But both of these weak-kneed responses is irrelevant. Kate Cox is your constituent. She needed help as a direct result of policies created and imposed by your allies. She needed, and deserves, more than a shoulder-shrug disavowal from you both. You and your party did this. You won the fight against a desperate woman. And you, who are proudly pro-life, who would no doubt vote for a national ban on abortion, should be celebrating Texas’ latest success on that front. So why aren’t you?

▶ Created on December 13, 2023 by Debbie

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