Resistbot Petition: WHERE IS THE LINE?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Things that the GOP seems fine with… Mass deportations of unauthorized people in the U.S. Interring same in huge TBD detention camps. Revoking the concept of birthright citizenship. Reviving the ‘Muslim ban.’ Reimposing restrictions to refuse asylum claims. Screening visa applicants to eliminate those with ideas considered undesirable, and would kick out those here temporarily for humanitarian reasons, with an expectation of deporting 10 million people.  Then there’s the rooting out of vermin, crushing the existences of perceived enemies, purging the government of anyone not deemed loyal, installing loyalists to wield the levers of power, persecution of political enemies, on and on and on. No vendetta too small. Dismantling of America and every ideal the country is based on. Nothing surprising from a man who reportedly kept a book of Hitler’s speeches on his bedside table. And of course has expressed admiration for that human aberration more than once. But what’s your excuse for a continued silence as his public pronouncements grow more and more unhinged? How far will you let him push you? What is the line in the sand for the GOP? I’m beginning to believe there isn’t one. When Kristen Welker of Meet the Press asked RNC Committee chair Ronna McDaniel: “Are you comfortable with this language coming from the [Republican] frontrunner,” McDaniel answered: “I am not going to comment on candidates and their campaign messaging.” What a despicable take on, and enabling of, the potential destruction of the country. Remember your own complicity when we look back at whatever consequences the country suffers as a result of good men doing nothing. Because we certainly will.

▶ Created on November 14, 2023 by Debbie

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