Resistbot Petition: NOT PATRIOTS

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Another Texas scorcher. Nothing much to do except wash the dog, water the yard, and await the next litany of revelations surely to come from tomorrow’s second January 6 Committee meeting. We all wait breathlessly to see if identities will be revealed of the great patriots who ran to Mr. Trump with pleas for pardons after exhibiting their great love of country. What a visual image that conjures up. And I expect the base voters they were trying to originally appeal to with their inauthentic, self-serving actions will not be pleased to see that their fealty to the cult leader only went so far. It’s hard to fathom what these folks thought the ultimate outcome of their participation was actually going to look like. Was Mr. Trump actually going to walk to the Capitol after a successful insurrection? Reclaim his seat behind the Resolute Desk? Was life going to go on calmly as BAU? Except better? Or were they actually looking forward to having their names attached to overthrowing American democracy? Is this to be the new badge of honor in the GOP? Hindsight is always 20-20. But there is no hindsight necessary to know that your party, your elected officials, your people in power, allowed, encouraged, and manifested the conditions that enabled one egomaniac to attempt to destroy the country he was entrusted to protect. That he took a vow to protect. That he deliberately chose not to protect. That’s on you. Couch it how you will. It’s all on you. You could have stopped it with simple acts of standing up. Speaking out. Calling out the danger. Instead, most chose to wait it out. Or leave. Or write a book. Or actively participate. Or do nothing at all.

▶ Created on June 12, 2022 by Debbie

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