Resistbot Petition: FAIR IS FAIR

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Another example of perception being reality. In the continuing frustrating negotiations over an infrastructure bill, it appears that the GOP senate is rejecting a proposal to strengthen IRS collection of taxes owed to the government as a way to help pay for the package. It appears that this could be a substantial amount of money. It appears that a large part of the monies not being paid are as a result of the wealthy not paying their fair share. Which is I suppose understandable if the laws allow. Who wouldn’t avoid taxes if you could afford not to pay, legally. I expect there’s a good bit of nefariousness involved as well. But I’m not an accountant, a tax lawyer or rich. But I am an American citizen who pays their taxes. I may not like it, but I know that is the price of living in a civilized society. We like our roads. Which leads me to the current perception that the GOP voting against collecting taxes due the country, or even addressing the inequality of wealth not paying their fair share to keep our country’s infrastructure functioning, is a bad look. And to once again throw the resistance to insuring that the IRS is able to pursue collecting money that would help us as a country, back to a process objection, or back to the Democrats being unreasonable, is just more disingenuousness. People should pay their taxes. And if they don’t, there should be consequences. Seems simple. America is a land of opportunity. With this opportunity should come a responsibility to take care of the country that allows such success. Just thought you’d like to know the view from out here.

▶ Created on July 18, 2021 by Debbie

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