Enact Child Friendly Policies and Really Help Families
8 so far! Help us get to 10 signers!
I am your constituent and I want you to know that birth rate in the US is in a general decline largely because this country is not amenable to having children. We offer no significant paid time off when children are born or sick. We do not have universal pre-school or assistance with day-care which is extremely expensive. There are no significant guarantees of income supports for families with children - in fact the Republicans in the Senate just refused to discuss restoring the improved child tax credit. Minimum wage lags rental increases by about 45% since 2010. Support for Better child nutrition and housing is also significantly lacking. And no guarantee of healthcare for children!!!
It is a big list, housing, food, healthcare, pre-school, family leave, sufficient income. But if you want children born here then you have to make sure that this country makes it safe for families to have children. I fully expect you to address each and every one of these issues publicly and when you vote. I’m watching.