Resistbot Petition: WHAT NOW?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. This is what reaping the whirlwind feels like boys. For 50+ years women were threatened with what you finally achieved under the direction of DJT. You got your holy grail. You caught the car. You screwed the pooch. Use whatever analogy you’d like, but this is your doing. All of it. Overturning Roe v Wade was your crusade. You won. How does it feel? The irony of the man who caused it all coming out with his great pronouncement of leaving abortion laws to the states seems to have been just what it is…an attempt to make the unpalatable palatable with empty words. AZ almost immediately proved the point by becoming the most recent example what what happens when you leave women’s health care up to a bunch of people without uteruses…we are plunged back into the 19th century. A snippet… “The [AZ] legislature provided that “[n]o black or mulatto, or Indian, Mongolian, or Asiatic, shall be permitted to [testify in court] against any white person,” thus making it impossible for them to protect their property, their families, or themselves from their white neighbors. It declared that “all marriages between a white person and a [Black person], shall…be absolutely void.” And it defined the age of consent for sexual intercourse to be just ten years old (even if a younger child had “consented”).  So, in 1864, a legislature of 27 white men created a body of laws that discriminated against Black people and people of color and considered girls as young as ten able to consent to sex, and they adopted a body of criminal laws written by one single man [Judge William T. Howell]. And in 2024, one of those laws is back in force in Arizona. Now, though, women can vote.” Pay attention to that last line. This is the bed you made for yourselves. We know who’s responsible. And all the dodging and disingenuous declarations to the contrary will not change past words and current actions. Own it.

▶ Created on April 10 by Debbie

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