
An open letter to the U.S. Congress

Railroad workers deserve fair pay and time off!

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Railroad workers have been on the job without a contract or a pay increase for the last three years -- through a pandemic and in the midst of rising costs on everything from food to gas to housing. Now, railroad workers have rejected a tentative agreement that continues to put the profits of the railroad industry ahead of the rights and wages of its workers. It is imperative that Congress act to prevent a potentially devastating strike. I urge you to improve the tentative agreement by giving railroad workers more paid time off. If nothing is done, a railroad strike could result in empty grocery store shelves and bring our economy to a grinding halt. Right now, railroad workers get no sick leave and are on-call 7 days per week, year round. This isn’t right. I urge you to act immediately to support workers and avert a railroad strike that could disrupt an already fragile economy.

▶ Created on November 28, 2022 by Jess Craven

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