Resistbot Petition: CHOOSE. DJT OR AMERICA

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Good lord wouldn’t it be nice to be able to relax and have a quiet morning of catching up on normal current events? Instead, we get subjected to yet more unhinged drama from the mind of DJT. And his ever-loyal minions. What we’re reading today… Boxes of classified materials seized in FBI Mar-a-Lago search. He refused to surrender them after months of negotiation. And a subpoena. Why? Aren’t you outraged? Or the least bit curious? Or plain scared about the possible implications for American security? The warrant shows that agents were investigating whether Trump violated the Espionage Act.  Isn’t this the type of investigation that could once get you executed if found guilty? Again, you’re not worried about the implications of an American President being investigated along these lines? And another kicker…before the judge unsealed the documents, Trump, via Breitbart, released unredacted copy of the property receipt containing names of FBI agents. Based on his history, this can only be interpreted as intending to menace them. How do you feel about that particular tactic? Are those the actions of an honorable man? An innocent man? A man worthy of being the GOP nominee for president? For a second time? The thought that the answer might be a resounding YES is insanity. That even after losing the presidency, losing the House and Senate, after all the lies damaging to our Democratic processes that led to January 6, after the current potential crisis to our national security, after the continued mayhem that neither the justice system nor the political system has been able to constrain, after what he has been able to do to the GOP and still command allegiance…that this thought can still seem viable shows a moral rot and reveals a lack of character ill-suited for public service that will take years for your party to overcome. So I’m signing off with this observation from legal analyst and former FBI special agent Asha Rangappa: “Unpacking the Espionage Act, 18 U.S.C., Chapter 36. We are concerned here with Section 793 — Gathering, Transmitting, or Losing Defense Information. Pardon me while I pour myself a drink.”

▶ Created on August 13, 2022 by Debbie

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