Resistbot Petition: MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS PLEASE (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. At least I think I can still vote. Hard to know with our current suppression going on. Can I still vote, even though I am only a woman? Maybe that’s the next item on the agenda, I mean chopping block, for my GOP lawmakers. Banning abortion. Banning medical abortion. Putting bounties on our heads. Penalizing health care workers who care about the health of their patients more than you do. Driving your constituents out of state to find care. Celebrating stripping constituents of their rights under the Constitution. The utter hubris of your party in thinking that 50 years of women having a choice over their own bodies is going to go away quietly is unbelievable. And completely unrealistic. You do not have the right to think you know what’s best for women. Much less legislate away our rights. Where is your concern for our personal freedom? Please explain to me the difference between your actions and those of the Taliban in Afghanistan? Your suits? Your elected status? Governed by religion. I see no difference. Because the intent is absolutely the same. Control women. Make their decisions for them. Because it is for their own good. You won’t win this fight.

▶ Created on December 8, 2021 by Debbie

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