Resistbot Petition: HOW DOES THIS END?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. The ridiculous has reached new levels of dangerous. Your most-likely candidate for the presidency is all but a full-fledged, and proud of it, autocratic-authoritarian. He may or may not believe the things that come out of his mouth, but does that even matter? The people he speaks to, do. He is convincing a not-insignificant portion of our people that rule by a strongman is good. Beneficial. Better than democracy. And they cheer him on. He lauds the anti-freedom, democracy-destroying leaders around the world who have incrementally taken their citizens’ rights and freedoms away, drip by drip, and replaced them with the will and ideology of one man. Autocratic regimes that are supported by good men doing nothing, and bad men doing what they want. When they want. How they want. And to whom they want. We think it can’t happen here. Why not? Revolutions are started, not by the majority of a population, but by a minority. They happen, and they work, because the minority will proves stronger than the silent majority. A silent majority that may grumble, but human adaptability proves easy to achieve. Freedom in America is not reserved for those who believe in taking rights of their fellow citizens away for the ‘common good.’ Freedom does not mean we are required to be a homogeneous population. We were not created on an assembly line. We are all unique and different and an individual miracle. A strongman cannot make us better. Or different. Or make the trains run on time. A strongman can only destroy the fabric of the country we love. Mr. Trump needs to start loving the country instead of destroying our strength in our diversity as a population of IMMIGRANTS, as culturally diverse, as socially accepting, as supportive of our friends and neighbors. Or does he not remember that two of his wives were immigrants, as were his grandparents, and that most of his children are a result of ‘poisoning our blood.’ Of all the issues he could seize on, this one is the most obviously ludicrous. But he’s a proficient practitioner of his First Amendment rights, that he would happily take away from most of us. Oh the irony of that possibility.

▶ Created on December 18, 2023 by Debbie

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