Resistbot Petition: LAW & ORDER ANYONE?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Friday. Traditional day of news bombs dropping. And we got a biggie. Release of the search warrant and items seized from Mar-a-Lago. That’s bad enough. To know that an American President loaded up a U-Haul to take classified materials for his personal stash. The big question now is why. Why did he want these particular items? Some may be trivial reasons. Others may be more nefarious. As someone pointed out, DJT had zero interest in the PDB which often included high security items for review. So why would he want to take such with him? That’s the question we await answers for. Why? Well, that and being dismayed about the GOP defense of DJT during an episode that should be a no-brainer for any patriotic American who wants answers to what seems to be an egregious lapse of national security. What do we get instead? Absurd conspiracy theories. What about Obama? Defund the FBI. Impeach Merrick Garland. Gut the Justice Dept. We KNOW the FBI plants evidence. The Gestapo! Banana Republic! And the tried and true…POLITICAL WITCH HUNT! What is almost as dismaying as the possibility of a rogue president with national secrets in his pool house is that these are the people who are actually elected to serve the democracy. How the heck did these people spouting such craziness achieve such a level of national responsibility? This is a total clown show. Have y’all lost your collective minds? Who said ‘Better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt?’ Your party can’t take any of this insanity back. It’s going in the history that’s being written even as we watch. And we are absolutely watching.

▶ Created on August 13, 2022 by Debbie

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