An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Random thoughts from a rural constituent who spends the days wondering WTF is going on with their country. One of my Texas senators seems intent on proving the increasingly-made observation that the GOP has taken the side of the Covid virus when it comes to constituent care… “Speaking to reporters, the Texas senator [Ted Cruz] declared, “No pissant politician, whether a local mayor or a governor or the president of the United States has the right or legal authority to force you to make that decision [vaccination]. We have seen in the course of this pandemic Democrats being very comfortable with being petty tyrants and decreeing that you must obey their medical mandates.” Obviously, his little diatribe failed to mention the statistic released from his state’s department of health last month that of the nearly 29,000 Texans who have died from COVID-related illnesses since mid-January 2021, just 8% of them were fully vaccinated against the virus. Or that “tyrants” generally don’t demand people take care of their health, which would make them, like, the most thoughtful tyrants ever.” As usual Sen. Cruz has managed to prove his desire for the spotlight precludes sanity. And humanity. Then we have the escalating January 6 committee investigation, which every day shows the lengths to which the compromised will go to to avoid consequences for their heinous actions. Like pleading the fifth, which to we casual viewers viewers seems a potent admission of culpability. “”Dr. Eastman has a more than reasonable fear that any statements he makes pursuant to this subpoena will be used in an attempt to mount a criminal investigation against him,” his lawyer told the committee.” Heaven forbid if a criminal investigation started as a result of criminal behavior. “Yesterday, Jeffrey Clark, formerly a lawyer for the Department of Justice—one of those charged with enforcing the rule of law in this country—has told the committee that he, too, will plead the Fifth. Clark tried to involve the Justice Department itself in overruling the results of the 2020 election. Today he announced that he has a medical condition that will not allow him to testify before the January 6th committee tomorrow as planned. The committee has postponed the deposition until December 16.” Medical condition? Is that what we’re calling fear of prison these days? It’s astounding how easy it seems for the most dangerously nefarious amongst us to avoid punishment for what appear to be the most egregious actions one could take against their country. And yet…they can’t show up because they have an unspecified ‘medical condition.’ Nice.

▶ Created on December 4, 2021 by Debbie

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