Resistbot Petition: NERVOUS? HE SHOULD BE

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. There’s gotta be a betting pool somewhere taking odds on whether Congress members summoned by the January 6 committee will actually show up. Although the odds would be so high that they won’t, it really wouldn’t be a money maker for anyone concerned. Newest case in point. Kevin McCarthy. He of the righteous anger right after the desecration of our Capitol. Then, depressingly, he of the whiplash run to Mar-a-Lago to single-handedly resuscitate what should have been the decaying power of a defeated ex-president. The summons to him from the committee offers teasers. Did he offer out strategies for Mr. Trump? Did he offer scenarios to lessen Mr. Trump’s culpability? What was discussed during an hour-long phone conversation? Only he knows. And can clarify for America. But instead I’m certain we’ll see more deflection, ‘witch hunt,’ and attempts to avoid responsibility. By any means necessary. Unfortunately he won’t be alone in his dereliction to the country. I for one would always choose to explain my own actions rather than leave it to others. But I suppose the DOJ has the means to step in if deemed necessary Maybe they can get the answers America deserves.

▶ Created on January 13, 2022 by Debbie

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