An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Have you noticed how things crash and burn way more quickly than they are rebuilt? I think the GOP dream of diminished government is being realized in real time. (But not so diminished that you don’t keep your phone baloney jobs.) I’m not sure why I even bother to write my elected officials expecting anything at all. I guess I just enjoy getting a rote form letter in response. No matter what I throw at you, I always get effusive thanks. Democracy being snuffed out. Thank you so much for your input! Our president is an autocrat. We are so happy to work for the people of Texas! Country on fire. Country dying. Country in decline. We appreciate your thoughts! And my favorite...As we work with President Trump to Make America Great Again! Again! Phhhhhtt. Save your falsity. We are tipping over the precipice of autocracy. We have a one man wrecking ball. He has done things that should have him being run out of town on a rail. He lacks morality. He lacks human decency. Hell he may even lack a pulse he’s such an unfeeling automaton. But no matter WHAT he does...defile the office, work against the country, not protect the people, slander our military, disparage, name call anyone and everyone, exhibit corrupt behavior on every level, use the levers of power for his own purposes, cozy up to America’s enemies, bastardize the federal structure, use quid pro quo as a governing tool, on and on and matter WHAT he does, you twist and turn and defend. What kind of person, even a politician, what kind of American citizen, can continue day after day to defend the indefensible? How is it possible to do what you do and call it right? For instance. Watching Sen. Kennedy flippantly disavow concern for the Louisianians who have died unnecessarily from Covid as Mr. Trump fed the country a line of magical snake oil. No concern, just gibberish about another gotcha book. Or Senator Rubio with his fiery concern..."A little bit of alarm about the seriousness early on could have made a little bit of a difference," Rubio said. "Getting people to think earlier on about some of the protective things we ultimately had to put in would have been better looking back." Disgusting. Way to give a rat’s ass about your constituents. But why should you care given your fearless leader’s view? "The virus has nothing to do with me," Trump told Woodward in their final interview in July. "It's not my fault. It's — China let the damn virus out." So keep those rosy responses to my dire concerns coming. It’s way easier than actually doing your job.

▶ Created on September 10, 2020 by Debbie

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