Resistbot Petition: KEEP CALM. AMD WEAR A MASK. OR NOT.

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Oh my god. We the people are so sick of the current Maskgate controversy. If our idiot-in-chief doesn’t want to wear a mask, even though his own government says we should, not for ourselves, but for others, then let him be. Let him play out his ill-conceived, selfish, political ploy. If he thinks harming the American people by his actions, or lack of, is the act of a leader, of an American President, then let him show his true colors in all their glory. If his true believers want to follow his selfish example, let them. Some people don’t deserve saving. There, I said it. But me? I’m going to wear my mask when necessary and pretend they do. We all get sucked into his vortex of irrelevance. Who the hell would ever listen to him if he weren’t president? We’d all cross the street if we ran across such a raging nut. Instead, during a pandemic, which his administration’s leadership has failed on every metric, this is what we have to be assailed by. It makes me want to cry in frustration. How are we so controlled by this man’s every crazy word? 100,000 dead and he’s doing a great job. How will we survive till November. Me, I’m going to hold on to this quote I read recently: “Your job till November 3 is only to protect yourself from contagion—-then vote.”

▶ Created on May 27, 2020 by Debbie

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