Resistbot Petition: CROCODILE TEARS

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Shall we just go ahead and shoot the elephant in the room and put it out of all our collective miseries? Floating the idea of postponing the November election by our president for the ‘safety of the country’ is laughable. Show me one single instance where Mr. Trump has given a whit for the safety of anything not named Trump? Examples just from today’s headlines? “The Wall Street Journal’s conservative Editorial Board blasts Trump’s plan to spite Germany [by withdrawing American troops]: “He’ll weaken America’s military posture and get nothing in return.” Safer? This will weaken us. It will weaken the EU. It will strengthen Vladimir Putin. “The Washington Post's Fact Checker team gives Trump “Four Pinocchios” for his glaringly false statements about U.S. intelligence on the purported Russian program to offer bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan.” Does this lack of leadership make America’s troops safer? Opening up schools. Opening up businesses. Slow-walking testing. Persistently and chronically promoting pandemic misinformation. Cynically supporting his own government’s coronavirus guidelines while undermining them at the same time. Does this constitute concern for safety? Promoting racist and divisive language from the bully pulpit, which in turn stirs the fires of social discontent creating chaos in our streets. Not safety. No. His only safety concern is saving his own job come November. And that ain’t gonna happen. I will gladly brave contagion just to make sure of that. So please stop worrying about my safety Mr. President. It just doesn’t suit you. And no one believes you.

▶ Created on July 30, 2020 by Debbie

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