Resistbot Petition: NO TEDDY ROOSEVELT

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Aug. 31: “Trump administration rolls back Obama-era rule aimed at limiting toxic wastewater from coal plants.” Aug. 13: “Trump administration scraps limits on methane leaks at oil and gas sites.” Aug. 11: “Quoting ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ judge strikes down Trump administration rollback of historic law protecting birds.” July 15: “Trump scales back landmark environmental law, saying it will help restart the economy.” July 13: “Trump's move to weaken key environmental law could sideline communities of color.” July 13: “EPA rejects tougher air-quality standards, says 2015 limits are sufficient.” July 6: “Major oil and gas pipeline projects, backed by Trump, flounder as opponents prevail in court.” June 25: “Trump administration wants drilling on more than two-thirds of the largest swath of U.S. public land.” June 8: “Trump administration makes it easier for hunters to kill bear cubs and wolf pups in Alaska.” June 5: “Trump lifts limits on commercial fishing at ocean sanctuary off New England.” June 4: “Trump signs order to waive environmental reviews for key projects.” June 1: “EPA limits states and tribes’ ability to protest pipelines and other energy projects.” May 19: “EPA staff warned that mileage rollbacks had flaws. Trump officials ignored them.” May 18: “Two states, D.C. plan to sue EPA for failing to enforce Chesapeake Bay cleanup plan.” May 14: “EPA decides against limits on drinking water pollutant linked to health risks, especially in children.” April 19: “Ten years after Gulf of Mexico oil spill, Trump administration weakens regulations.” April 16: “EPA overhauls mercury pollution rule, despite opposition from industry and activists alike.” Not an environmentalist.

▶ Created on September 9, 2020 by Debbie

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