Resistbot Petition: COVID-19 EPIC FAIL

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. So many awful things to read this morning. I could write endless letters about the most mental thing our president has done recently but I’m really tired of giving him oxygen. He’s not worth it. You know he’s a disaster. We know he’s a disaster. Nuff said. However I do have questions about his worst, and continuing, failure. Not his latest insult. Not his latest tweet. Not his latest blow to our democracy. His failure to do his job and protect the people he was elected to serve. On that he could not have failed more. 128,000+ of us are dead. 3,000,000 of us are infected. And we all know the real numbers are even bigger than that. And because he failed, America failed. Obama gets pilloried for 2 Ebola deaths. Trump gets applauded for his good work. Touting death numbers as success is a sick twist even for him. We’ve just decided that the standard health response — the only thing that’s worked in any of the countries that suppressed the virus — is something that we’re just not going to do. Why not? White House officials also hope Americans will grow numb to the escalating death toll and learn to accept tens of thousands of new cases a day. Americans will ‘live with the virus being a threat.’ Giving up. That’s the solution? Other countries have taken it seriously, and we have not. Other countries have had a very aggressive shutdown. We have not. Other countries have taken an aggressive approach to testing and tracing and isolation. We have not. Some countries have universal masking laws, and we don’t. Why don’t we? Why can’t we? Why won’t we? In a report published in 2019, the United States ranked as the most prepared country overall in the event of a pandemic. But political inaction and political ineptitude caused the United States to lack the political will to meet the covid-19 moment. Lack of POLITICAL will by our top leaders led to American carnage. Is leading to American carnage. This is what failure on an epic scale looks like. A citizenry left to fend for themselves while the President tweets. And brags about his failure Why should any of you keep your jobs?

▶ Created on July 8, 2020 by Debbie

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