Resistbot Petition: HANDS OFF THE USPS

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in RURAL west Texas. Topic du jour...leave the USPS alone. Have you ever lived in a small town where the hub of social life revolved around a visit to the PO to pick up your mail? Or look forward to the daily mail run because, well, you live in a small town and entertainment is somewhat limited? Our one formal UPS shipping office has closed up. That means if you want to physically ship something you need to drive 60-80 miles to find a walk-in service. If you demolish the USPS are we supposed to take our letters to what, UPS, Fed-X? The USPS, as much as we like to disparage it is highly regarded by our citizens. So it totally figures that the federal government wants to tear it down. And we all know why it is being attacked and undermined right now. 1) our president has one of his childish, petty, vindictive rages going against Jeff Bezos, and 2) he wants to destroy the legitimacy of mail-in voting. You all know that the USPS, regardless of all the noise, is a valuable, workable, self-sustaining entity if left to work as it should. But it has been systematically undercut for years by you and yours. The GOP Congress lives by the mantra “The only good government is a dead government. But I guess the tactic to sow doubt is working. I’m totally convinced that the upcoming election is going to be rigged. Just not by the means y’all keep screaming about. Every day in every way the federal government is more and more corrupt, self-serving, and dangerous to the people it is supposed to serve. And you and yours lead the pack. Don’t think we’re being fooled.

▶ Created on August 1, 2020 by Debbie

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