Resistbot Petition: RUSSIA VS CHINA

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I really have bigger fish to fry these days. I have a new puppy. I’ve been frantically prepping my house to sell, all while trying to avoid Covid. You know, real, true life and things that are relatable. Trying to live as normally as possible in completely abnormal times. So to vent I write to my elected officials in Washington. I try to exhibit the concern for country that you do not. Reading this a.m. I’m left with the impression that our upcoming presidential election is to be decided by China and Russia. Our Congress seems to have ceded oversight responsibility in the area of foreign election interference. Or to be clearer, the GOP portion of Congress. Except for scattered timid, uncertain, unconvincing bleats from a few. Which will ultimately fall by the wayside because cowardice is way easier than bravery in the face of a presidential tweet. Mr. Trump got himself a good Texas toadie in the form of John Radcliffe. One by one the agencies designated to protect important governmental oversight are falling. I’m sure you hear our democracy crying out way louder than I do. I only know what I read. So I would hope that you are more afraid than I am about the recent decision to forgo regular in-person Congressional briefings by the DNI on foreign inference in our election. There’s always a ploy at the ready to dissemble with isn’t there? This time it’s ‘leakers.’ An all-purpose blanket justification. It never gets old. Whatever the reality may be, the perception out here is that our government is suppressing important information for the American people. Big surprise there. These days we’re fed way more fiction than truth. So I’ll go back to my same old refrain...why are you, the people we elect to do the job of protecting our country, not? Do you not care that we’re being manipulated by countries who wish us harm? If you do not take real, meaningful action to control the ever-constant, very effective, pervasive foreign attempts to control our political views, we will not be America anymore. We will be an avatar for our enemies. But that will also mean you have to summon the courage to confront the biggest propaganda-spreader...our own President. And that would be a cold day in hell wouldn’t it? While waiting for that miracle, I’ll instead sit here and root for China to win the argument come November.

▶ Created on August 30, 2020 by Debbie

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