Resistbot Petition: Federal Failure of Leadership

An open letter to the U.S. Congress

Federal Failure of Leadership

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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Ohhh la la...headline reading this a.m. I do believe the Trump dyke is springing more leaks than there are sycophants to plug. Chris Wallace: Nerts to you Mr, President. Mail-in voting not fraudulent. Jeff Sessions: Shut up and sit down, I did what the job mandated. Neil Cavuto: Stop taking drugs needed by people who are actually sick. You’re a public health menace. Judge Napolitano: Try going to church instead of commanding from on-high that they open. Oh, and I’m totally paraphrasing. I know the GOP, party of mirthless men, have an issue with irony. And these are just a tiny tip of the folks taking some bravery public. I expect there are many more whispering and plotting behind closed doors. But as Fox News goes, so goes the GOP. Are y’all paying attention? Picking your time to jump this sinking ship? It’s all about the timing boys. You better get it right. And you know it’s coming.

▶ Created on May 23, 2020 by Debbie

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