An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Okay, I really try to not get too down in the dirt because it’s such a crowded place to be these days. But I absolutely have to present Senator Cruz with the Most Likely to Project Award for a recent tweet. Liberal men don’t always grow balls huh? I know you were trying to be clever. But you won’t win against Trevor Noah. You lack the self-awareness required for a funny bone. But let’s examine the ball-less concept a bit more. Our current President slandered you every which way from Sunday during the 2016 campaign. He disparaged your wife. He published an unflattering picture of her. He called her ugly. He and his tribe attempted to associate your father with the JFK assassination. And what was your manly response? To be an ever-ready subservient toadie to the most loathsome man in America. You have stood by him. And when not applauding any number of his heinous actions, you offer a deafening silence as he tramples on our idea of America. Where were your cojones when he denigrated our military? Where were they when he lied to the country about the severity of the pandemic? Where were they during the countless outrages he’s perpetrated on the country and its citizens? Where were they ANY time testicular courage was called for? This is so laughable. And pathetic. But he did toss the puppy a bone. You managed to get on his very long SCOTUS list. I wonder what he wants from you this time? Whatever it is, I’m sure you’ll serve it up on a platter. Along with what may be left of your manhood. But I’m thinking he’s just figured out another way to humiliate you. Cause he knows he can. And he knows you’ll take it. With a smile.

▶ Created on September 12, 2020 by Debbie

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