An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Now that we’re all done with laughing about the President’s latest head-snapper in the guise of joking, wrapped up in serious intent, can we please seriously focus on the bedrock of our “Americans -- and their elected leaders -- have to defend the election. Mail-in must be made easy, easy to carry out, easy to count. States need to have sufficient polling locations, voting machines and poll workers. The voter rolls must be protected. Hackers must be locked out. Enemies of our nation's democracy must be thwarted in their efforts to turn this fall into a national nightmare.” Enemies of our nation’s democracy. I read that not just as foreign nefarious actors, deliberate actions from our own leaders. Especially the one sitting in the WH. Once again Mr. Trump seems intent on working against his country. The same country who gave his family all the opportunities they now enjoy. We are lost if our own leaders don’t care enough to step up and protect the fragility of our democratic system. A country who trusts nothing and no one, because our elected officials have succeeded in making us doubt everything, cannot be America. It will become something else. And I can’t believe that’s the country we want. So, now that the laughing at a joke that was never funny is over, can we please focus on the seriousness of an election that could be torpedoed by the very man who took an oath to protect our country and Constitution? And if you discount intent or think that someone will ride in to save us from a meltdown of our democracy, I need to remind you that that savior would be you. You are the ones entrusted with the power to save us from bad intentions. Regardless of their origin. But I’m afraid you’ve forgotten that. Our poor, poor country.

▶ Created on August 2, 2020 by Debbie

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