Resistbot Petition: WOMEN VS TRUMP

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I see the most anti-feminist president spent a day dedicated to the tenacity of women and succeeded in making it all about himself, while also rewriting history. His two main goals in life as far as I can tell. Pardoning Susan B. Anthony. Strange choice. Historians might tell you that Ms. Anthony would not have wanted a pardon. Her goal in being arrested for the act of voting was intended to take her case to the Supreme Court, where she wanted to make her point before the highest court in the land. Instead, a benefactor paid her fine, which dropped her case. So, ultimately not able to make her case, she wore the arrest as a badge of honor. Unlike real, deserving miscreants that Mr. Trump has chosen to pardon, she welcomed her conviction. She had no desire to run away from it. Instead, a man took control of her storyline, assuming he would do this poor, misjudged, misguided woman a benevolent service. And by his actions, endearing himself, not with today’s women’s movement, but with a misinterpreted version of history that purports that Ms. Anthony was pro-life. In reality, history would tell you that she was ambivalent at best on the subject. So there you have it...Mr. Trump’s ever-present misguided, mis-interpreted actions designed solely for his own benefit. He can’t even pander without strangling the truth. But we all saw his real, true regard for women when he turned around to bash Michelle Obama at the same woman-lauding event. Class vs. classless couldn’t have been made more obvious. We see. We understand. And we vote.

▶ Created on August 19, 2020 by Debbie

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