Resistbot Petition: COVID-19

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Well. It's finally here. A crisis on the horizon and Donald Trump as president. Doomsday scenario indeed. And a potential pandemic is not something he can train military might on, with all the attendant chest thumping and swagger. This requires real leadership. Leadership that can calm the nation while taking real action. Think we'll get that? Here's my sad prediction. First, denial there's a problem. Check. Then grudgingly admit there might be. Check. Start blaming everyone else. The world. Other leaders. His own people. Check. Put out tepid insistence that warmer weather will take care of things. Check. Oh. I guess it's not a prediction after all. Now there's scrambling around to get funding. Get a plan together, etc. No matter that funding for such things, as well as whole departments, have been cut or eliminated. Fiscal responsibility doncha know. So I expect Mr. Trump will continue to deflect responsibility onto others, while asking all the wrong people for advice. Which I expect he will heed over his own government experts. No amount of cyber-bullying, yelling, name calling or any of the other tools in his limited tool box is going to work on this one.

▶ Created on February 25, 2020 by Concerned Citizen

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