Colonel Vinman, an honorable man who told the truth and is paying the price, is resigning from the Army today. Because of Trump's retaliation. Because the United States Congress cannot protect an honorable man from a vindictive and criminal president.
Meanwhile you sit in high office and accomplish nothing in the face of this ongoing catastrophe. Trump is killing Americans. Trump is driving honorable people out of service. Trump is destroying the nation.
Whike you sit by and do NOTHING! In fact you go on vacation when we are in the most crisis point of the crisis!
You are useless. You have failed every single american - white and black and Native American and immigrants.
Children are dying in concentration camps because you cannot lift a finger to protect America from a crazy man. A crazy man who is keeping us distracted while corporations and the billionaires are destroying everything they can get their hands on for quick profit.
Get out of office. Get out!