Resistbot Petition: HOPE TRUMPS TRUMP

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. If it wasn’t already apparent that you and your President reside on the wrong side of history, on the wrong side of the country, the last 4 nights of the DNC made it undeniable. Irrefutable. How could any bellowed message of hate, division, and fear from the party of Trump survive such examples of hope, unity, and love of country as was displayed? The diversity of America. Passion. Concern. Hope for our future, united in a common cause...the survival of our Republic. It was everything we have lacked for the past 3+ years. Oh, you can be jaded and call it Pollyanna politics. You can say it’s an unachievable kumbaya vision. You can, and will, say such things in the weeks to come. But in your heart of hearts, you know, you KNOW a Biden/Harris administration would be what America needs right now. We need hope, not fantasy assurances that no one believes. We need leadership, which you cannot argue that we have right now. We need to strengthen our democratic systems, not tear them down in the pursuit of personal power or petty grievances. We need to get the world’s respect back, not continue to berate and attack our friends and allies and flatter those who wish us harm. And most vitally, we need to get the pandemic under control, not just ignore and wish it away. We, along with our country, are slowly dying. Is it any wonder we’re ready for kindness, caring, compassion, and competence, competence, competence. And the icing on the many more of Mr. Trump’s close advisors need to be carted off to jail before you say enough is enough? We the people are saying enough is enough. And you will hear that roar loud and clear on November 3. And that’s a promise that will be kept.

▶ Created on August 21, 2020 by Debbie

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