An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. A woman. And a mother. Watching the nightly news is sickening. Watching anonymous paramilitary beat back, teargas, manhandle a group of women. Of mothers. Of Americans. In an American city. Paid for by American taxpayers. I dare you to watch such footage and not feel ashamed. And if you do not, you are lost. Try and place your daughter, your granddaughter, your wife, any woman you know, love, and care about in that position. It is unconscionable. It is wrong. And it should not be happening. The protestors are not going to back down and it is their civil right to not have to back down. Our country was founded on protests. It is one thing to go after people deliberately creating chaos and harming businesses and police officers. When protests cross the line into violence and mayhem, that should be addressed accordingly. But this? Does your party care about anything? This is absolutely shameful. And if you think that all the women in America, all the mothers in America are looking kindly on this debacle, you are as out of touch as the resident in the WH. Y’all best develop a conscience and use your voice to defend us. This is not law and order.

▶ Created on July 23, 2020 by Debbie

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