Resistbot Petition: HISTORY BY THE BOOK(S)

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent In rural west Texas. Another day in hot Texas limbo. Pandemic raging. Check. Civil unrest reshaping America. Check. Another bombshell book about the world’s most ridiculous world leader. Check. The last topic interests me today. From a preliminary sampling being reported, it’s about what those of us not in thrall to all things Trump would expect. But with even more icing on the cake. Between outlining how Mr. Trump tried to solicit aid for his re-election from any world leader that would listen, to embarrassing even his close aides with his ignorance, to just generally batshit crazy behavior, Mr. Bolton’s gonna make a mint. But making a mint off of watching our democracy being disgraced by a buffoon is not laudable. But I guess that’s what counts as accountability these days. Take notes and write a book. At the best it shows the lengths that some people went to to try and rein in Mr. Trump’s worst impulses. At worst it shows a government-wide complicity to cover up his inappropriate, self-serving, and unconstitutional behavior in the name of America. You and yours are responsible for it all. You could have stopped him. You could have actually done the job your country expected of you by impeaching and removing him from office. Or at the very least stood up and said ‘Enough.’ But from where I stand, that’s okay. History’s best revenge instead will be for as many of you as possible to be out of a job in November. And that the joke that has lived in the WH will experience the full wrath of the American electorate and be sent packing. We will do the job you chose not to. The poor judgement your party has shown in fealty to such a person speaks volumes. You don’t deserve the power you hold, but chose not to use...for your country. Not the legacy I would have chosen.

▶ Created on June 17, 2020 by Debbie

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