Resistbot Petition: COVID-19

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. The dream has been realized. Our country has finally hit full-tilt Trump chaos. Up is down. No one's in charge. Whack-a-mole strategies reign. Information is being withheld. Everything's a hoax designed to get him. He's busy holding rallies to fire up supporters with disinformation. And leaving the mess for others to clean up. To rally hate against fellow Americans using a potential pandemic is the lowest of the low. And that our President is doing this should be cause for the entire Congress to rise up against him in protest. Silly me. Like that's gonna happen. Public heath and panic be damned. We're here to shore up Mr. Trump no matter how dangerous and deranged he is. And he is deranged. Anyone can see that. A president does not instigate fear of this magnitude among the people he was elected to protect. A president does not do this. A demagogue does this. A self-centered narcissist does this. A person with no regard or understanding of any human pain, concern, or misery beyond his own perceived injustice to himself. To continue to proclaim that the current pandemic scare is a hoax is be yond the pale. How is he allowed to continue with such a campaign of misinformation and dangerous rhetoric? Not a viable campaign strategy IMHO. This is unacceptable. Extremely unacceptable. Hair-on-fire unacceptable. WTF unacceptable. He needs to be fired.

▶ Created on February 29, 2020 by Concerned Citizen

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