Resistbot Petition: COVID IS NOT CONQUERED

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Alrighty then. Watching the nightly news I’m informed that Texas is about to open up sporting events. Even though, in these days of inaccurate Covid number coverup, Texas is daily increasing in confirmed cases. And deaths. Or is Johns Hopkins now part of the deep state fake news never-Trumper faction? Ridiculous. But whatever. I just sit and watch and don’t participate so I don’t really care. I just wanted to point out that all the pushing forward in the world is not going to get America up, out, back at work and acting like there’s not a monster under the bed when every day we see that Pollyanna propaganda is just not true. I get it. It’s a hard place for our ‘leaders’ to be in. Kill the economy or kill the people. But just come out and tell us that’s the choice. Instead everything is presented through a political filter. All is well. Masks are for sissies. Half the country is encouraged to hate the other half. This is not a recipe for success. And success is what we want. You should tell your President that.

▶ Created on May 28, 2020 by Debbie

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