Resistbot Petition: WE NEED A TAX STRIKE

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Okay, we all know that most people would prefer not to turn over their hard-earned money to the federal government in the form of taxes, but geez. Reading the Sunday drop by the NYT on Mr. Trump’s last 20 years of tax returns is spectacular. He may be losing money hand over fist but he sure managed to hire himself a hell of an accountant. He’s paid no income taxes whatsoever in 10 of the past 15 years since 2017 as a result of reporting that he was losing significantly more than he made? He paid just $750 in federal income taxes in both the year he won the presidency and his first year in the White House? No wonder he’s moved heaven and earth to keep such info from we, the people. We, the people who struggle every year to pay our fair share. Primarily because it’s assumed we’ll go to jail (isn’t tax evasion a thing?) if we don’t. But also because we realize we need infrastructure, social safety nets, etc. Oh, and salaries for our elected officials. But we all now know that paying taxes is just for losers, who can’t figure out, or can’t afford someone to figure out, how to game the system. And we all know that the chances of Mr. Trump ever seeing justice for any tax malfeasance, if there is such, is slim to none. Laws are for losers. For the little guys. For the folks who pay for the house he currently lives in. Rent free. But not for long. We’ll just add this current poke in America’s eye to the long list that’s about to make him a one-term loser. Way to show how much you love America. With a big FU catch me if you can.

▶ Created on September 27, 2020 by Debbie

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