An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. It’s still shocking to me that we have an American President so willing to corrupt our democratic processes by any means necessary that he knowingly and deliberately retweets Russian propaganda. Russian propaganda designed to discredit his Democratic opponent in the upcoming election. Do you have a problem with this? Your Republican President acting as a Russian asset to further his own re-election? Do you a problem with a candidate who cannot win on his own merits so has to resort to foreign interference and assistance? I’m assuming you do not, given the continued silence on your parts. Which conversely means it’s not a problem if a Democratic presidential candidate chooses to do the same thing. Which they will not. Because it is wrong, because it is un-American. Because it is disgusting. Add this to the continued efforts to disenfranchise voting by mail and you have one of the most publicly corrupt attempts to subvert our democracy in modern times. This is your doing. You have the power to curb this behavior. But your jobs are more important than our Republic. How sad is that. For you. For us. For America. Oh well. It is what it is.

▶ Created on August 18, 2020 by Debbie

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