Resistbot Petition: NO DO-OVERS ALLOWED

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Gearing up today for another superspreader event at the WH, cloaked in the guise of a ‘peaceful protest.’ Catchy. But stupid. I’m not sure what anyone who calls themselves a ‘leader’ these days is thinking. Mostly not thinking it appears. Just, like the rest of us, trying to survive, literally and figuratively, until the election. Which in the case of the GOP ‘leaders’ running for re-election means running, in a very mild, discreet, non-offending way, from your current President. I’m not sure the subtle approach will work for y’all. Neither would a full-throated “throw the bum out.” Even you and yours would recognize the bald-faced hypocrisy of such a move. The barnacle may want off the sinking ship, but they’re ultimately still stuck like glue when they hit bottom. And the bottom is coming at y’all quickly isn’t it? One of your own remarked that GOP candidates running for re-election are “like animals before an earthquake.” You know it’s coming, but what to do and where to hide? So excuse us if we don’t share your personal crisis of self-preservation. You failed the country when it most mattered. You can’t have a come-to-Jesus moment now. All a barnacle can do is hold on and wait for the end. Or wait to be scraped off.

▶ Created on October 10, 2020 by Debbie

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