Resistbot Petition: GOP = BAD CULT

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Sent without comment because I am too intellectually exhausted to come up with anything new. So I’ll leave it to others today. “The breaking of principles -- like, you know, truth -- is how party and movements die, or at least badly injure themselves. If a political party abandons what it believes in order to follow a single person who openly mocks what the party once stood for, then what is holding the party together? It's a cult of personality, not a gathering of like-minded people all working toward a common set of goals. And time and again during the Trump candidacy and presidency, we've seen the GOP walk away from long-held principles. Its devotion to balanced budgets and reducing the debt load on future generations? Gone. Its commitment to block attempts by a president to run the country by executive orders and end-runs around Congress? Gone. Its fealty to family values, as it relates to marriage and extramarital affairs? Gone. Its support for international trade agreements? Gone. Again and again and again, Republican elected officials have walked away from supposedly deeply held beliefs in order to bend themselves to the point of breaking to align with Trump The reality Republicans face is this: A party without any principles isn't a party at all.” That about does it, doesn’t it?

▶ Created on August 14, 2020 by Debbie

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