An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Just writing to let you know, in case you miss or ignore it, Texas had 14,916 new Covid-19 cases and 174 deaths overnight. The new federal plan of learning to live with it is working out well. Or learning to die with it may be more likely. It’s so amazing to think that America, with all our resources, all our power, all our great minds, is unable to get a handle on our increasing contagion. We are doing worse than a number of developing counties. We’re doing worse than the rest of the world. We are failing spectacularly. We are number one. Just not in a good way. Why is that? Why is Texas being sent refrigerated morgue trucks rather than more testing capability? Why can we demand people wear seatbelts to protect lives but we can’t demand they wear masks temporarily to get our country and our economy back up and running? Why is rampant libertarianism in the guise of individual freedom allowing the pandemic to get worse? We regulate so much of our citizens’ lives. Why can’t we do it temporarily to save our country in this time of extreme emergency? Why? It seems an innocuous request in the long run. If we are not going to have a federal plan, can y’all at least make it so mask wearing is a temporary, mandatory thing? This patchwork, state-by-state infighting is not working. Aren’t you the party with the power? Why are the simplest things so hard for y’all? This whole debacle illustrates the Republican hands-off, laissez-faire theory of governing. How do you like it so far? We absolutely do not.

▶ Created on July 17, 2020 by Debbie

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