Resistbot Petition: TEXAS VS COVID

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. So much to be concerned about today. It’s probably going to need more than one rant. But I’ve got nothing but time. And anger to spare. First, Texas and our continued scattershot, schizophrenic approach to the coronavirus crisis. A Republican ideology of every man for himself versus a societal disaster that requires we work as one coherent entity. It’s incredibly distressing to watch our leaders flail. To try and protect, up until now, their relatively untested theory of governing without government intervention during a pandemic. Just a selection of the crazy: “And in Texas, where Houston hospitals have run out of room for more patients and are turning them away, county Republican parties have voted to censure Governor Greg Abbott for requiring face masks to slow the spread of the virus. They say such an order is government overreach.” Versus: "That's why we're asking people to wear face masks," Nueces County Judge Barbara Canales told NBC-affiliated KRIS-TV. "I am now having to order additional body bags and morgue trailers. People have to understand how real it is." Meanwhile, the outraged hypocrisy from the top continues. Regarding the cancellation of the Texas Republican convention in Houston for the common good: “This is nothing but a political hack job by [Houston] Mayor [Sylvester] Turner,” [Lt. Gov. Dan] Patrick told Laura Ingraham on Fox News. Patrick failed to mention that he and Gov. Greg Abbott and various other GOP elected officials had earlier opted out of actually joining the 6,000 party stalwarts who signed up for the July 16th gathering at the George R. Brown Convention center. They had instead planned to address the gathering via video.” So brave. I guess he decided he didn’t want to die for the good of society after all. You and yours really need to leave the destructive politics at the door for now. It’s not doing you, and particularly us, any good. But I expect the majority of your constituents have given up expecting much from you these days. Why bother?

▶ Created on July 11, 2020 by Debbie

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