Resistbot Petition: CRAZY IS AS CRAZY DOES

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I’m a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Same ol same ol, literally. News is still infuriating, but predictable. High drama, low results. The national malaise continues. We’re still dying. We’re still getting sick. We’re still out of work. We’re still scared. And we still lack leadership. Ho hum. Because it’s a 100+ plus degrees here, it’s hard to muster enthusiasm for much of anything. So I’m just gleaning interesting tidbits from my news feed. I’m bored. So you should be too. Covid delusion continues erupting from the recesses of the WH: "When you look at the numbers, the way the numbers are coming out, I mean, it's very impressive when you see what's happening.... We've done it right. We closed it up." He [Prez] then immediately pivoted to the economy, which he is counting on to save his reelection prospects: "Our economy is going to set records -- if stupid people aren't elected next year, we're going to have one of the greatest years that we've ever had." Sure thing. I believe you. Everything rocks. Corrupting of the Democratic election process continues in strange and wonderful ways: “Voters in North Carolina have received absentee ballot request forms in the mail with Trump's face on them. "My initial reaction was that I was kind of shocked, and laughed because of the irony of it, because Trump had been railing against mail-in voting, but here his party was, promoting it, and sending out an absentee ballot request form," [voter] Alexander said. "I think it's ridiculous that the funding is being cut and processes are being changed in the post office. People's life saving medication are days late, bills aren't being paid on time, and all for what? It's rigging the election."” Well of course. Whatever it takes. Mr. Trump can’t actually DO the job but boy does he want it. And lastly, to sum up all of the above and all other wacky/destructive doings going forward to November: “It is no longer newsworthy that the person leading the world’s most powerful nation, commanding the most destructive arsenal in human history, is untrustworthy to his core.” Nuff said.

▶ Created on August 16, 2020 by Debbie

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