Resistbot Petition: FAILING DEMOCRACY

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I’ve taken a vow. I will not be reading about, writing about, or thinking about the by now obvious moral, intellectual, and leadership deficits of our current President. I’m tired of the show. Tired of the constant whining. Constant aggrievement. Constant gaslighting. It serves no purpose for anything except to upset. So I’m done with that particular focus. But I will continue to look behind the curtain to what really matters. His actions. Actions such as the covert organization of his own paramilitary force to invade American cities. Cities he deems anarchist simply because they may have democratic leaders who don’t necessarily kowtow to him as he would wish. So he wants to punish. And because he owns the Justice Dept., he is provided with whatever tenuous legal justification to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. So punish he will. By going into Portland and aggravating an already tense situation. But a situation that was by all reports calming down. Now it’s a true bonfire. The arsonist set the fire. Then he threw on more gasoline. Then he called the stormtroopers. A coup by our government against its own people. And you and yours are standing on the sidelines applauding. Or if not applauding, looking away in feeble concern. And still you do nothing. All of this, everything awful that is happening to our country, all of it, is laid at your feet. You have the power and you do not use it to save us from an incompetent, wannabe dictator. Which makes you worse than him. Shame shame shame.

▶ Created on July 21, 2020 by Debbie

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