Resistbot Petition: COVID-19 DERELICTION OF DUTY

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. What a pathetic place America is today. We are more deluded than our president if we think we are winning. On any front. The country is divided, even during this time of crisis, because of our president’s political ambitions. He has no empathy for the dying. He has no pity for the sick. He plays with our lives like we’re pieces on a Monopoly board. He panders like he thinks we’re stupid. Which I think we might be. We’ve been exposed as a fraud on most every level. But I do not blame our country. I blame our leadership. Ha, leadership. That’s got to be some kind of oxymoron. The American people have been waiting for guidance. The guidance we get is fractured. Divisive. Often counter-productive. Our only guidance from the top is to live your lives like doing so doesn’t have the potential to kill you. We’ve been turned into a social experiment. One that more of us might choose to participate in if we didn’t have a president who lies like he breathes. But we’re supposed to trust him. And the rag-tag team of minions he has assembled to serve him, not us. It’s all too sad. And unnecessary. We’re living in the midst of an unmitigated disaster. A disaster that starts at the top. The GOP finally has realized a trickle-down theory that works. Congrats. But at least we’re still number one in something...deaths and contagion. MAGA!

▶ Created on May 24, 2020 by Debbie

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