Resistbot Petition: IT’S ALL GOOD

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Just a quick letter. My enthusiasm for being a Jiminy Cricket is waning. I think I’m finally succumbing to the generalized lack of giving a s$&t. Although I would like to commend the DOJ for their complete success in defiling their role in keeping our country our country. Getting the case against Michael Flynn dropped. Excellent optics for a man who confessed more than once of being guilty of what he was charged with. Every American defendant should wish for such even-handed regard under the law. Roger Stone will no doubt sleep well tonight knowing his turn is next. Ho hum. Par for the course that is our current norm. If the goal is to destroy all faith in our government, it’s working. And more good optics. Mr. Trump indeed did not lie (for once) when he said he directed his people to slow down Covid testing. He just did it in a really backhand fashion by defunding testing sites. I expect my elected officials are over the moon about that. Power to the states. We don’t need no stinking help from the feds. Or maybe not? “The Trump administration is planning on pulling support for local coronavirus testing sites – including seven in Texas, where cases are rocketing. “Texas officials are urging the White House to rethink the move, warning of ‘catastrophic cascading consequences’ of pulling federal support for testing sites,” the Houston Chronicle reports.” But the virus is fading away so we really don’t need them anymore right? As our prez said in AZ just yesterday: “Trump told the crowd that “someday” his work on coronavirus testing would “be recognized by history. Someday.” Referring to Covid-19 as “the plague” and the “China flu,” he told the crowd in Arizona, a state experiencing a deadly spike: “It’s going away.”” Only 5551 new cases in Texas reported overnight. So I guess he must be right.

▶ Created on June 24, 2020 by Debbie

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