Resistbot Petition: PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. And one of the woman who will be helping to defeat your brand of hate come November. So it begins. Or so it continues rather. Federal troops are assaulting moms in Portland. Shooting them in the head as they protest peacefully. (Non-lethal does not mean non-injury.) Or kneeling on their necks as they scream “I can’t breathe!” This is provocative, deliberate escalation and brutality against peaceful protestors. Brutality by our government. Directed by our President. Applauded by his GOP cohorts. Brutality against women. By men. And paid for with their tax dollars. Do you comprehend why this gets more and more people out in the streets? Do you understand the injustice that motivates this? I don’t think you do. And that is the root of your problem. You maintain the entitlement of the ruling class. That the masses are made to subjugate and control, by any means necessary. When the politics of fear aren’t adequate, bring in the goons. But you forget. We are Americans. We bow to no one. Especially not to the cowards that currently call themselves our leaders. And what a foul joke that is. Your party is creating a generation of activists. And Democrats. And helping to revitalize the part of democracy that is most important...the power of the People. I hope you’re ready to suffer the consequences of your non-action. It’s gonna be epic.

▶ Created on July 27, 2020 by Debbie

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