An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Another head-spinning morning of headlines. Pandemic. Protests. Riots. Civil strife. Cities on fire. Where is our leadership? Where are the voices of calm and reason? Who’s in charge? Oh. Right. I was thinking of the old America. One where we might have had a President. Now what do we have. A wanna be strongman. But who is the opposite of strong. He is the proverbial big dog, no bite. Cowardly, cowardly man. Only brave with others’ lives. Governors are weak because they don’t want to sic the American military on their citizens. GOP members are all in for calling out the 101st Airborne. On American citizens. Bomb em all. I’m not sure this is a proper law and order stance. We the people are angry. There are elements on both sides of the political spectrum who are, like our politicians, using this righteous anger to divide and conquer us. To distract from the real, true, honest, persistent issue of racial injustice in this country. It is always simmering and now the top has blown off the pressure cooker. Instead of even pretending to address the root cause, Mr. Trump and his ignorant minions are changing the subject. Pointing fingers. Dismissing the people. Creating a diversion. Making us more angry. The majority in this country are sick of minority rule. That means you and yours. The country is not what you think it is. The country is made up of more than ignorance and prejudice. We have empathy. But we have a President and a political party that thinks the first solution to its citizens’ concerns is to blow them up. How did you ever get to be in charge?

▶ Created on June 1, 2020 by Debbie

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