Resistbot Petition: LIES ARE KILLING US

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Hot today. Town quiet. River probably crowded. But I sit here enjoying the AC and despairing about our world. Although I was just pleasantly surprised to read that our president just confirmed to the country that 99% of Covid-19 cases ‘are totally harmless.’ Such welcome news. No worries after all. I must alert my son who works in an ER in Austin. I’m not sure they got that particular memo. But I expect they’ll be as pleased to hear it as I was. And to know that they’ve been over-reacting to the steadily increasing cases that walk through their doors every day. Aren’t y’all tired of this crap? You and the rest of the Trump administration who are actually brave enough to appear on any cable news show have to spend their time twisting themselves into pretzels to not make our president look like an ignorant, uninformed ass. Is this what is going to pass for informing the public during a pandemic? Trying to not make our President look like an ignorant, uninformed ass? Which the majority of us know he definitely is? But being incompetent and a pathological liar doesn’t excuse any of his actions. Being bad at your job is not a get of jail free card. This lack of leadership and constant spreading of misinformation is an untenable situation. A criminal situation. Why is it allowed to continue? Racism. Bigotry. Lies. Denial. Taking no responsibility. Taking no action. Wreaking havoc. Creating chaos. Dividing the nation. Ruining our reputation. Weakening America’s moral standing in the world. Oh and Russia, Russia, Russia. On and on and on. This emperor lost his clothes a long time ago. Someone should tell him. For the good of the kingdom. While there’s still a kingdom left.

▶ Created on July 5, 2020 by Debbie

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