Resistbot Petition: GOP HYPOCRISY

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Topic du jour. The ever-present always transparent hypocrisy of the Republican Party. Busted with hand in the giant Ohio cookie jar. Pay-to-play scheme at its finest. Just another term for quid pro quo. Which we are intimately familiar with recently. Tea Pot Dome anyone? History repeats and repeats and is repeating again. This is the kind of hypocritical disdain for government, while profiting or stealing off of it at the same time, that seems endemic in your particular party. “Greed, lust for power, and disdain for ethical boundaries are not unique to any particular political party,” so says the Ohio Republican chairwoman. Oh, but I believe it mostly is. Further, to the Tea Pot Dome scandal. Warren G. Harding created an atmosphere in which the point of government was not to help ordinary Americans, but to see how much leaders could get out of it. Seems familiar. “This same attitude is crippling today’s government as it tries to deal with the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic. Part of the reason that Trump and Republican leaders are hastening people back to work despite the spiking infections is that many Republican-led states do not have social welfare systems in place to support people through more weeks of lockdown, and Republican leaders do not want to develop them.” “More generally, Republican senators are mortified at the spending involved in a bill that focuses not on shoring up businesses, but rather on supporting ordinary Americans. “What in the hell are we doing?” Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) asked his colleagues. He warned that a large relief package would anger Republican voters in the November elections. Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) disagreed about the means, but not the end. He told his colleagues that if the Republicans don’t do enough to save the economy, Democrats will win in November and put in place policies that will cost even more money. A rescue bill now could save money in the long run by keeping Republicans in power.” “Congressional Republicans, including Cotton and Cruz, were voting to spend like sailors on shore leave long before this contagion necessitated emergency spending. Driven by the GOP tax giveaways to major corporations and the richest 1 percent in 2017, along with massive spending increases that were not paid for, the annual deficit grew from $442 billion in 2015 to $984 billion in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30.  Republicans also ran up the debt when they had unified control of the government under George W. Bush, which helped fuel the energy behind the tea party movement in 2010.” Don’t think we’re fooled by hollow bleats about fiscal responsibility. Your only fiscal responsibility is to your own pocketbook.

▶ Created on July 22, 2020 by Debbie

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